Book Cartoon of the Month.
August 2022
From "Readers Only".

September 2021 From "Readers Only" by J. Penn. 1936.

August 2021 From "Beautiful You". David Arkell. c 1955.

June 2021 Thank You Tom Gauld..Guardian cartoonist.


A Day at the Office March 2021 And, two views of the Sanctuary Bookshop's research department!

December 2019 wonderul to think of a Venn Diagram for booklovers!Thank You Tom Gauld..Guardian cartoonist. Click his name above to browse his Catalogue of original cartoons. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

November 2019

We would like to acknowlewdge the one above. But who? We think it reads "Charrly". Can anyone help?
October 2019 (and he's a Vicar..!)
Thank You Liam here for more...

June 2019

April 2019
For more Pete Fallon here!

August 2018

July 2018 By way of contrast, the rather sweet and innocent young girl at the perfume counter is asking... "Would it be all right to dilute it with water to begin with?"

June 2018

May 2018

April 2018

March 2018 This cartoon below remains our favourite! Seriously though, you can sleep in our bookshop if you wish and the bedrooms are full of books, so, if you are a honeymoon couple, cuddling up could become just one of several options!

Click here to explore our Bookshop Bedrooms...
February 2018 This one below is pretty funny also. It's the original artwork for the "George & Lynne" daily strip cartoon in The Sun Newspaper. To view our artwork collections, click through on the link below....

For our George & Lynne artwork here.
January 2018 (Top below: From Punch: July 7th 1971)

PS. Above: The thing on the right is an actual Kindle, shot at in anger by its owner and then trophy mounted! See Shaun Blythell's marvellous read "The Diary of a Bookseller".
This is how it is done..!
..also, our Sanctuary Book Club can be reached by clicking here...!
December 2017

Top row: it's more fun when you have to think a bit...especially the one on the far left..! The Russian one above: We are not really sure what the legend says...but the spirit and idea is just perfect..! P.S. We would welcome any indication of the we may post a credit.
November 2017.

This cartoon by Stephen Collins is so wonderfully and subtly funny. Easter Island is one of the most remote (and now barren) islands in the world. The Easter Island civilisation flourished from about 1000 AD, creating giant stones heads called "Moai". Why? Well...they gaze out to is thought to ward off unwanted invaders. However, the civilization recently became extinct. And the huge stone head? Nigel Farage..!
Would You Like to Join Our Book Club....? Click here...

October 2017
