Book Chats on Reading.
“...books give life meaning, interpret the past and prepare one to meet the future without fear. It is an endless journey, to familiarize oneself gradually with the massive treasury of thoughts, experiences, symbols, fantasies and dreams that the past has bequeathed to us in the works of writers and thinkers of many nations. It is an endless journey......the true reader will approach this study with love". Hermann Hesse. 1929.

In this spirit we offer the reader of these pages our pick of those books that have endured in our forty-five year swim through the ocean of literature. To paraphrase Hesse again..."Each reader is merely one human being, a way station. But each of us should be on the way towards perfection, should be striving to reach the centre, not the periphery". As Daniel Dennett might say.."reader, this is mind candy". We hope you enjoy.
We have arranged our selection to link back to the various topic pages you will find on this site, and these can be found by scrolling down the green left hand column of this page, and each other page. Where possible the primary source for our Book Chat material will be found in these references. For example, our first quote above will be found on page 121 of Bernhard Zeller's “Hermann Hesse. The First biography”. Peter Owen. London. 1963.
However, to see our most enjoyable recent reads, arranged by month...please click here...
