Rare Book of the Month.
May 2022

New Forest Handbook. 1875. All original 67 pages + 7 pp publisher's ads. Bound in pale green decorated card 13 x 18 cms with Mint 30 x 25 cm fold out (six panels) map bound in, opposite the Title Page (see images). There is a small red blemish showing on the top cover. This is a considerable rarity this early and in this condition. Only later editions had ten photographs bound in. Spine showing 1 cm minor loss. With the author's inked inscription "R.Barns Esq. With the author's Comp'ts & Best Wishes" (see image above left). The Preface is signed in Print: "C.J.P.,Southampton June 1875". From later editions we find this is C. J. Phillips. There are some very faint pencil annotations opposite the Author's inscription. Bookseller Inventory # 006035. *********************************
April 2022
[005467] Blackmore, R D (an Important Association Collection). Lorna Doone (and others). Various, Various Editions. This unique collection comprises nineteen R D Blackmore related volumes and a packet of c 32 documents, all from the literary remains of A S G Blackmore. Each with the bookplate "Ex Libris Alfred Stanley Gardner Blackmore". "Ad Finem Fidelis". We list first the three Lorna Doone volumes (1 - 3) then books about R.D. Blackmore (4 - 7). then finally the collected copies of his remaining novels (8 - 19). 1. "Lorna Doone". Prize copy to A T G Blackmore from Blundell's School, for Mathematics (n.b: R D Blackmore was educated at Blundell's), awarded in the Summer of 1900. 44th Edition bound in full tree calf gilt (see below left), gilt very bright. 517 pp, five raised bands, edge gilt dentelles, all edges marbled (see image). Spine sl. sunning. A Very Good association copy. 2. "Lorna Doone. A Romance of Exmoor". 688 pp. Limp red full reverse calf pocket edition, gilt. Sampson Low. N.D, but inscribed 1914. 3. "Slain by the Doones and Other Stories". 1895 Dodd Mead & Co. N. York. 244 pp. Top edge gilt, fore-ege uncut. HB in decorated cloth gilt, gilt very bright. Inscribed "From Emily Blackmore. 129 Kenwood Way. San Francisco 27". Books about R D Blackmore: 4. "The Blackmore Saga". Canon A T G Blackmore. Privately printed. Charles Stevens & Sons Leicester. N.D. Unpaginated but 44 pp poetry. HB in blue cloth gilt. Mint (as new) copy. Gilt very bright. 5. "The Last Victorian. A Biography of R. D. Blackmore". Kenneth Budd. London. Centaur Press. 1st. 1960. HB in pale greencloth. 125 pp. Fine. In Fine decorated DW. With two inscriptions as follows "To Canon Blackmore, with best wishes from the Author (Rector of Caterham), Kenneth Budd". and "For Darling Abbski, weho has made us all proud of being Blackmores. With Much Love from Azteca Maya. Xmas 1960". 6. "R D Blackmore. A Biography". Waldo Hilary Dunn. 1956. 1St. Robert Hale Ltd. Hb in green cloth gilt. 316 pp. Inscribed "To Canon Alfred Blackmore in recollection of pleasant correspondence and a happy meeting from Donplas W Blackmore. 21st July 1956". 7. "The Blackmore Country". F J Snell. 1st. N.D. Adam & Charles. HB 288 pp with extended Blackmore geneology & Erratum slip bouind in. Novels by R D Blackmore (8 - 19): 8. "Clara Vaughan". 12th. HB 1889. Sampson Low. 390 pp. ex-lib. 9. "Cradock Nowell". 1873,.Revised Edn. 461 pp. Sampson Low. 10. "The Maid of Sker". 9th. Wm Blackwood. 1881 472 pp. HB in green clothgilt. 11. "Alice Lorraine". 1875. Sampson Low. New Edn. 393 pp. HB i green cloth gilt. 12. "Cripps the Carrier". 1890. Sawmpson Low. New Edn. 420 pp. HB in red cloth. 13 "Erema". 1893. New Edn. Sampson Low. 437 pp. HB in red decorated cloth gilt., 14 "Mary Anerley". N.D. 1st. Sampson Low. 442 pp. HB in red cloth. 15 "Tommy Upmore". New Edn. 1894. Sampson Low. 440 pp. HB in blue cloth gilt. 16. "Springhaven". New Edn. 1894. Sampson Low. 479 pp HB in blue cloth gilt. 17. "Kit and Kitty". 1st. 1890. Sampson Low. 432 pp + 32 pp publisher's ads. Hb in red cloth gilt. 18. "Perlycross". A tale of the Western Hills. 1st. 1894. 465 pp. Tipped in two notices from Sampson Low Publishers requesting a Review. HB in blue cloth gilt. Gilt very bright. 19. A Scarce title: "Tales from the Telling House"1896. 1st. Sampson Low. 244 pp uncut hb in gilt decorated cloth. Contains: Slain by the Doones., Frida., George Bowring., and Crocker's Hole. Together with a bundle of c 32 letters, Blackmore family lineages (see central image below), and early newspaper clippings relating to R D Blackmore and the family of A S G Blackmore. Sold as one lot. Heavy at 10 kg with packing. Please enquire postage costs. A fascinating research project here for someone. More information on request with pleasure. For a complete R D Blackmore Bibliography see: Book & Magazine Collector. No. 202. Jan 2001. pp 86 - 99. £495.00

January 2022
[005470] RAF 6th Squadron. An Original WW2 Africa Campaign Photo Album. North Africa: All Originals. An extensive WW2 Africa Campaign photo album stretching from 1940 to 1945. The collection comprises 260 items as follows. 1. Corner mounted in an album: 190 original B & W photos, each typically 3.5 x 4.5 inches, and 2.5 x 2.5 inches. 2. Twelve photos with detailed information on their rear. 3. 27 B & W loose small photos. 4. 28 B & W loose large photos. 5. 3 Newspaper cuttings. The physical album itself, 20 x 30 cms, is Egyptian, leather and decorated with Pyramids etc and distressed. The Newspaper cuttings relate to: (a) The statue of General Gordon in Khartoum and now in Chobham., (b) The Aircraft Carrier Indomitable., and (c) The Desert Rats and the "Marble Arch" tribute to Mussolini in Agheila. The twelve photos with information give us some clues as follows: Three relate to "Six Squadron Xmas Dinner" in 1942, 1943, and 1944, and one for 6th Squadron 30th Birthday Dinner Egypt 1944. There is then a photo medallion for 6 A.C Squadron Royal Air Force "Oculi Exercitus". There is then a 6 x 4 inch B & W Group photo (see image) "C.Flight at Ramleh Palestine 1940. Westland Lysanders A.C SQD". Forty men are then named on the rear (see image). Officers seated in the front row of three rows. This is by far the most informative image. The remaining five photos as follows: "Montgomery and Eisenhower had a bet".,"A Village in the Nile South of Wadi Halja Nov 41"., "Grave of Ft/Sgt Harris Killed in action Mareth Push. March 43"., "Rome '44 Jack Horner, Bert Brazier"., "Italy April '45"., "5th Squadron Xmas Dinner 1943. On the rear eleven signatures including the cryptic line "Happy Xmas to Cpl Lunelberg" (could this be a German P.O.W?). The 190 album photos have not been disturbed to read any possibly information on their rear. It is clear the collection was compiled by a serviceman in RAF 6th Squadron, name unknown but possibly deducible. The collection merits further research. Sold as one lot. Further information on request with pleasure. Weight 1.4 kg. £245.00

December 2018

Much to our amazement a complete set af architects drawings from the 1950's has surfaced, proposing an Astronomical Observatory to be located on Dartmoor. The proposed location was Hamel Down. The plans are very highly detailed and run to over 50 pages.They are signed by the architect "A. S. G. Blackmore" and dated 1952. They are beautifully presented in landscape format and housed in a presentation box (see three images above). We are currently researching these plans. Update May 2019. This Remarkable Document has now been donated to the library of The Society for the History of Astronomy.
October 2018

"Nelson's Wife" (Important Association Copy). E. M. Keate M.B.E. 1939. 301 pp all original, hb in blue cloth gilt, gilt bright., including extensive Bibliography & Index to rear. Provenence: This copy by descent through the family of Frances Nisbet, Lady Nelson. The copy contains: 1. A manuscript dedication on the ffep (see attached right), and thee annotations in the text ., 2. A one page manuscript note loosely inserted (see attached left)., 3. Nine newspaper cuttings, and 4. One Church Note about a Memorial. We describe these below in turn: 1 (a)., The main dedication is reproduced in the attached scan (right hand image). It reads: "To Gladys Nisbet Hannay, a great-great-grandaughter of Frances (Nisbet), Lady Nelson from a Great-Great-Grandson Mr. Nelson Humphry Davy. 1939"., (b)., Faintly inscribed on the ffep in pencil "Errors on Pages 280, 281 and others"., 1 (c)., Annotations comprising error corrections in pencil on pp 280 & 281. 2. The one page manuscript note reads as follows (left hand of scan attached): "Underneath are deposited the remains of Frances Herbert, Vicountess Nelson Duchess of Bronte who departed this life the 6th of May 1831 & also of her son Josiah Nisbet who departed this life 14th July 1830 & of his children Horatio Herbert, W----, Josiah, Sarah & Josiah who all died young--". 3. The nine newspaper cutting are as follows: (a) Twenty-three column inches "The Times" July 19th 1939, "Nelson and His Daughter. A Gift from Her descendents. Relics for the Nation (from our Naval Correspondent)". (b) A 12 x 9 inch cutting showing four images of the Nelson relics, a portrait of Nelson by Guzzardi & Nelson's daughter Horatia in middle age, from a miniature. (c) "Nelson's Neglected Wife" a full page spread from The Radio Times of October 15th 1937., together with six others. 4. "Notes on Litteham Parish Church" South Devon., 8pp. On the final page a five line note "On the north wall of the Chantry Chapel there is a fine memorial to Lady Nelson by P. Turnerelli, the well known sculptor of the reign of George 111. She was buried in Littleham Churchyard with her son Josiah Nisbet. Her tomb is in the south east corner of the Churchyard". More information & images on request, with pleasure. [Frances "Fanny" Nelson, Viscountess Nelson, 1758 - 1831, is best known as the wife of Horatio Nelson, the British naval officer who won several victories over the French during the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars. Born of wealthy parents on Nevis, she was orphaned at a fairly young age, and married a doctor, Josiah Nisbet. The couple returned to England, but her new husband died there, and Frances returned to Nevis to live with her uncle, a prominent politician of the island. There she met Horatio Nelson, and married him in 1787. The couple moved to England, and Fanny established a household and cared for her husband's elderly father while he was at sea. She was by all accounts a devoted wife, but in time Horatio met Emma Hamilton while serving in the Mediterranean, and the two embarked in a highly public affair. Fanny became estranged from her husband, who refused all contact with her through to his death at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805. Despite this, Frances Nelson remained devoted to his memory for the rest of her life]. Sold as one collection. # 005299. £245.00.
September 2018
"1806. Young Nelson's Attack & Chase After a Bear"
This is interesting! A very early and rare coloured print. 10 x 8 inches in contemporary wood frame 14 x 11 inches. The frame is all original and the print has never been out of its frame. "Published by Edwd Orme. Bond Street London. Feb 20th 1806" "When with Capt Ludwidge on his Voyage of Discovery towards the North Pole". The only copy we can locate is in the Royal Museum Greenwich. Their Holding number: PAD3986. This original copy offered here at £95.00.

August 2018 P.S. See also our "Book Chats on Discoveries".

All original Fine hb bound in red cloth gilt, gilt as new. Top board embossed in gilt "Non Eget Arcu" (He Does not Need the Bow). Volume in Very Good all original dust wrapper, plain grey with red border rules. This copy inscribed in ink on ffep: "Presented to W. Pitt by Jn. Minto". In memory of his faithful services in Canada. 1900". So here we have the subject of the biography, age 55, Gilbert John Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound, 4th Earl of Minto KG GCSI GCMG GCIE PC , 1845 - 1914, making the dedication. He was a British aristocrat and politician who served as Governor General of Canada, the eighth since Canadian Confederation, and as Viceroy and Governor-General of India, the country's 17th. He was Govenor General of Canada from November 1898 to December 1904, so still in post at the time of this presentation gift. The author of the book John Buchan, 1st Baron Tweedsmuir, GCMG, GCVO, CH, PC , 1875 - 1940, was a Scottish novelist, historian, and Unionist politician who also served as Governor General of Canada from 1935 to 1940, the 15th since Canadian Confederation. At the time of this book's publication (1924), he was living in Elsfield and had become president of the Scottish Historical Society and a trustee of the National Library of Scotland, Loosely inserted is a two sided manuscript letter dated "Feb (or Sep) '25" from "J & Mary Minto"..and addressed to "Pitt". The letter reads: "Pitt. I have much pleasure in sending you his Lordship's Memoir which I feel sure will interest you and remind you of happy years in Canada. I am sure you remember that terrible wet drive in the police wagon from Batoche to Edmonton when His Lordship did his 400 mile ride - you got wet through. I believe his old yellow smock which you wore is still at hounds. You know Lady Eileen lives now in East Africa. I hope to go and see her this autumn. My son has two darling little girls and they are very happy at hounds. I am glad to hear you are well. I hope I may see you again some day. J & Mary Minto". [See also our ABE Listing: # 005200 "Lewis Carroll" from the same Provenence. More details on request, with pleasure]. A second letter is also loosely inserted, three sides, undated but much earlier, and largely indecipherable. See also our ABE Listings: # 005200, # 005202 & # 005203, Lewis Carroll, Mrs Bray & Wm Thayer respectively, all from the same Pitt family provenence.
July 2018

"First Published for General Circulation 1935". 672 pages all original HB in olive ochre cloth gilt, gilt very bright. Provenence: From the Library of Air Vice-Marshal Deryck Cameron Stapleton, CB, CBE, DFC, AFC, 1918 - 2018, a Royal Air Force officer who became Commandant of the RAF Staff College, Bracknell. Now the intriguing thing about this copy is that it is signed in ink on the half title "For D . T.L." (see image). "D" is for "Deryck", but could "T.L." be Lawrence?. We believe it is, because on Deryck Stapleton's same shelf we located half a dozen authors offering signed copies to our Air Vice Marshall, including one from Montgomery. At the time of this first trade edition publication Deryck Stapleton would have been seventeen and Lawrence 47. Stapleton joined the Royal Air Force around this time. He received a short-service commission as an acting pilot officer on 13 July 1936, was regraded to pilot officer on 18 May 1937, and was promoted to flying officer on 18 November 1938. He was promoted to the acting rank of flight lieutenant on 2 March 1939, and was decorated with the Air Force Cross (AFC) in the 1939 Birthday Honours list. We have located similar Lawrence signatures (with initials only) to this, but with the middle letter E included. Lawrence dies in an accident in May 1935, and according to the records this trade edition appears in July 1935. We believe our description to be correct, but please enquire for additional information or to offer corrections to our listing.
June 2018

"Pleurs et Sourires". (2 vols). Sir Jean George Tollemache Sinclair Bart. M.P. Two matching thick volumes, superbly bound in three-quarter vellum by R S Buffery, 21 Wells St. Oxford STW, with his imprint. Spine heavily gilt decorated, all edges gilt, marbled boards and eps. Volume 1: 839 pp + 22 pp Index. Volume 11: 853 pp + 22 pp "Opinions des critiques sur les ouvrages de l'auteur". All in French. There are three original sepia prints pasted in the eps. They are all of Thurso Castle. Each volume bears an inscription dated "May 23rd 1885", with the inscription itself blanked out. It would be interesting to research if baronet Sir Jean George Tollemache Sinclair owned Thurso Castle. The rear board to volume 1 shows a small 1 cm blemish, otherwise the set is perfect. The volumes were published by "Librairie de la Societe des Gens de Lettres" and contain original translations of English prose and poetry. Sir John George Tollemache Sinclair, the 3rd baronet, was M P for Caithness constituency from 1869 to 1885 . Born 8 November 1825. Died 30 September 1912 he was a Scottish politician and landowner. Interestingly, he was the earliest born person to have made a gramophone disc recording. He made titles for Columbia, Gramophone and Typewriter Ltd. and Odeon, all in 1906. He also commissioned a statue of Mary Queen of Scots at 143-144 Fleet Street, London. [Thurso Castle, was built in 1665 by George Sinclair, 6th Earl of Caithness. It later became the Seat of Sir John Sinclair, 1st Baronet, who erected a new structure, designed as a castle or fortress. It was restored and enlarged in 1806 and 1835. The current structure, a Victorian Gothic ruin, was built in 1872 and demolished in 1952. Our images would appear to originate from 1885, by association with a handwritten date on the first ep]. £185.00.
May 2018

Ivor Novello (1893 – 1951). An important and exquisite 130 page autographed Devotional Scrapbook. The book covers the dates March 5th 1951 (his death) to March 6th 1968, the seventeenth anniversary of his death.
The “scrapbook” is not a blank leaved album, but a copy of the 1945 First Edition of Patricia Wentworth’s poems “Beneath the Hunter’s Moon”. Many of these poems are love poems and many of the memorial notices have been carefully arranged to juxtapose particular verses. The contents are as follows: 1. Thirty-one photo clippings of Novello, cut from various newspapers and magazines. 2. Five signatures “Ivor Novello” (two can be seen in the central images above). 3. One signature "Olive Gilbert" (above, far right). Another undecipherable (above, far left)…possibly “Graham ******”. 4. Eighty off Memorial Clippings, arranged sequentially by date and Anniversary Year (four example pages shown below). 5. One Birthday Anniversary notice.

The Memorial Clippings span from the 6th March 1952, seven off for the First Anniversary, and just one off for the Seventeenth and last Anniversary (6th March 1968).
There are two unsigned Obituaries pasted in. The first six column inches. The second five column inches. The only clue to the obituary writer is the phrase “I began to write about him in 1947”. Of the three Novello biographies (published in 1951, 1986 & 2006), the 1951 one, by Peter Noble, comes closest.
There is a four column inch clipping (undated but 1973) of the unveiling, by Sybil Thorndyke, of a Commemorative Plaque in St Paul’s Church Covent Garden. On Page 70, a two column inch review of the "Salute to Ivor Novello", held at The Coliseum on Oct 7th 1951.
Thirty-eight of the eighty annual Memorial tributes are signed as follows:
“L”. 15 off., “P.F” 6 off., “R” 6 off., “D” 5 off., “V” 3 off., “H.M.” 3 off. The rest make only single or double appearances. On pp 112 and 113 here are two memorial references: "In memory of Rudi and Dancing Years" (could this be Nureyev..?).
The ffep (see top left image) bears the ink inscription “With Love from Stella. Easter 1946”. This is the only entry in this handwriting and so predates the first scrap book entry (March 1951), that it is most likely a prior ownership dedication and unrelated to Novello.
One gets the distinct impression that the collection has been put together by a (female?) admirer or lover...most probably the signee “L” who appears as author in fifteen of the memorial notices.
Many of these ”L” memorial notices are carefully positioned against, or just below, poignant verses telling of lost or unrequited love. This is most probably why the Wentworth book of love poetry was chosen.
Example 1. Memorial of March 6th 1956. See above image. Page 114 above. Third image along.
"But we two did not weep We went our separate ways The tears and the bitter sighs Followed in after days".
Example 2. Memorial of January 15th 1961. See above image. Page 110 above, far left.
"Oh speak no word of your love, Tomorrow smile if you will When I show you the faded roses But kiss me now, and be still".
Novello's funeral was at Golders Green Crematorium. His ashes are buried beneath a lilac tree which has a plaque inscribed “Ivor Novello 6th March 1951. Till you are home once more". There is also a memorial plaque in the Crypt of St. Paul’s Cathedral, London.This discovery was located in Cardiff...coincidentally his birthplace. P.O.A.
April 2018

[005087]. "A Souvenir of Natal". Doidge, H (publishes). A landscape collection, 26 x 18 cms, of 46 original sepia monochrome photographs of Natal. Undated (c 1900), but with a dedication "Charlie & Carol from Uncle Dick with Love. Pietermaritzburg Feb 17th 1906". Deep brown soft art nouveau covers gilt, gilt very bright. Fox free, We are unable to locate any copy in public holdings. Rare, turn of the century Images of: Durban, Pietermaritzburg, Zulus, West Street Durban, Kraals, Drakensberg, Shepstone Memorial, Umgeni,Tugela, Howick, Umsindusi, and the Edendale Falls. £145.00. SOLD.
January 2018

Well..what a lovely suprise! And very early too. Tucked away, almost invisible, in a pile of incoming books, this 1752 treasure about the remote Island of St. Kilda. "....Giving an Account of Its Situation, Extent, Soil, Product, Bays, Rocks, Adjacent Islands, Ancient Laws and Government, Religion. Customs, and the Late Reformation". All original, recased in pale cream 10 x16 cm boards. 46 pages completely clean and fox free. Eight various pencilled entries on the ffeps (see images above), charting the various history and provenence of this copy., e.g., "Blackwells. 4th Jan 48. 15/- (1300). Cat 7 Apr 1948. B 12Q". [As far as we can determine this book was first published by The Rev. Alexander Buchan in 1727 by Lumisden and Robertson, Edinburgh. Then reprinted with substantial alterations by his daughter, a Miss J. Buchan, in 1752. It is this printing that we have here. The Preface states "Alexander Buchan my deceased father (d:1730)...I, the second of thirteen children...was advised by several ministers to reprint with this short Preface" and then signed "J. B"]. Alas, we do not know her Christian Name. SOLD.

[005072] Nettleton, Charles (1806 - 1902). "Melbourne Illustrated by Photographs". First Series. Melbourne: C. Nettleton, 1868. First Edition. Extremely early and rare collection of twelve original sepia toned plates. The actual images measure 8.0 x 5.5 inches printed on 9.0 x 7.0 paper, each then mounted on thick stiff white card 9.0 x 11.5 inches and then each tissue guarded (see image). [N.B.. "Full Plate" dimensions are nominally 8.5 x 5.5inches. We are not experts on early photography but believe these to be early albumen prints]. All images are fox free. The collection comprises: Toorak., The National Museum., Collins Street., Bourke Street., Independent Church Collins Street., The Parliament House., The University., The Melbourne Cemetary., The Treasury., The Post Office., The Queen's Wharf (see image)., and Wesley Church Lonsdale Street. Each image is associated with a page of descriptive text opposite. The collection is all original between landscape format 32 x 25 cms blind embossed deep ochre boards gilt. The boards show some wear and soiling. The front free endpaper (blank) has been removed and so the collection opens direct onto the Title Page. The bottom right hand corner is printed with the words "Abbot, Typ". [We know Charles Nettleton was born in London in 1826 and immigrated to Melbourne in 1854. He was first employed in the photographic studios of Duryea & McDonald. He set up his own Melbourne Studio in 1858, specialising in portraiture and views. The item offered here is notable in being the first commercial photographic album produced in Australia. Nettleton retired in 1893 and died in 1902]. A 30 line biography of Nettleton is loosely inserted. Further information and jpg images with pleasure. Weight 1 kg with packing. Shipping door to door Australia, tracked & insured at no additional cost. SOLD.

December 2017

Hutchins. John. M.A. 1744. “The History & Antiquities of the County of Dorset”. In Five Volumes.
This is a considerable rarity and a primary source on the County of Dorset. The standard reference for these volumes is to be found on Pages 2 – 3 of Charles Herbert Mayo's 1885 “Bibliotheca Dorsetiensis” (reproduced below).. There is also a Catalogue Listing in Sotheby's Sale of 11th June 1979 (Lot 85. 4 volumes. “Books from Library of the Marquises of Bath, Longleat”). And there is also a well documented 4 volume set currently being offered elsewhere online. John Hutchins.

Now, the intriguing thing is we have five matching volumes (see central image above). More of that later. We deal first with Volumes 1 – 4. inclusive.
Our copies are all first editions, dated on their Title Pages respectively (see images attached above):
Vol. 1. 1774., Vol. 2: 1774., Vol. 3: 1813., Vol. 4: 1815. Mayo records that, in February 1808, a fire at the printers consumed the whole of the third volume and all unsold copies of Volumes 1 & 2.
So, because Volumes 3 & 4 eventually appeared so much later than Volumes 1 & 2, the publisher has printed on their Title Page “The Second Edition, Corrected, Augmented & Improved”. But, this is the first appearance of these two volumes, so in fact they are also true First Editions, printed de novo.
Now we come to our fifth volume. This is titled: “Appendix to the History and Antiquities of the County of Dorset”. John Hutchins. M.A. “Containing Additions & Corrections & General Indexes to the Whole Work”. London. Nichols Son & Bentley. 1815. The pagination continues from Volume 4 (pages 321 to 504). We can find no listing of his as a separate volume.
The five folio volumes are uniformly bound in their original three-quarter leather marbled boards, 25 x 38 cms, and each with the armorial bookplate of James Dearden, Rochdale Manor “Dum Spiro Spero” (While I breath, I hope).
Mayo states that only 112 copies of the First Edition Vols. 1 & 2 were sold. All other copies being destroyed by the fire at the publishers on 8th February 1808. So, rare.
Of our Volume 5, we can find no trace in any public holding. As the pagination is consecutive with Volume 4, we believe that in our example the publisher (or binder) was unable to manage a total of 505 pages plus 32 pages of plates within one binding, and so separated them, as we have here.
Note our Vol. 5 has its own Title Page! Both Volumes 4 & 5 bear the identical first appearance publication date of 1815. Page 504 of Vol. 5 is of interest. It contains a list of “Additional Subscribers” (14 off). If this is the Vol. 5 print run, then exceptionally rare.
Also bound in Vol. 5 are the “Directions to the Binder”. These are for Volumes 1 to 4, only. Note that our Volume 5 has its own Title Page.
Our Volume 4 lists 103 original subscribers. These are headed by the Number 1 Subscriber “The Most Noble Thomas Thynne. Marquess of Bath. F.S.A.”. It is this 4 volume copy that is currently for sale online elsewhere.
In view of all this, we would offer our set, which as far as we can tell is unique, or at least undocumented, at £5,950.00. (N.B. This includes a sixth volume: the 180 page contemporary manuscript from 1826 that we describe below).

Note added on December 1st 2017 Recently purchased is an 180 page manuscript volume titled... "Extracts from the Western Flying Post, or Sherborne and Yeovil Mercury. 1st January 1739 to December 1826". Extracted by Thomas Jeston White. On pages 10 and 11, under the date "Western Flying Post 10th May 1774", we read... "On Wednesday the 18th of May, the late Rev. M. Hutchins' History of the County of Dorset will be delivered to the subscribers by Messrs Bowyer and Nicholls, Printers in Fleet Street London: and Mr Gould bookseller in Dorchester on producing the first receipt, and paying one guinea the second subscription for a copy in sheets, according to the printed proposals: and four shillings extraordinary, if done up". Well..what an extraordinary coincidence. Here we have a contemporary record of the first appearance of Hutchins' Volume 1, First Edition, and the First Sheets. This manuscript volume will be included with any purchase of the five Hutchin's volumes. See scans above.
November 2017

"R.M.S. Queen Mary". All original 1936 flyer/poster, printed in red and blue. "Maiden Voyage of the Cunard White Star Super Liner. Leaving Southampton en Route to New York". "Special 2/6 Fare". "Leaving the Royal Pier at 4.0 pm...return to the Royal Pier at about 8.0 pm". "Come Aboard the Mauretania". 22 x 32 cms. Corner pinholes, folded twice, fragile but very clean (see right hand image). Still a remakable survivor. Together with an unused post card "Cunard White Star. R.M.S "Queen Mary" (see image top left). And a General Manager's Compliments Slip from "The Royal Mail Steam Packet Company Limited". [p.s. Although several posters, advertising the Queen Mary's First Voyage, are available to view online, we have been unable to locate this particular one, or this particular postcard image of the Queen Mary (showing a serial number: A. 2699)]. £245.00.
"The History and Antiquities of the Borough of Lyme Regis and Charmouth". Roberts, George (association copy). 1834. Subscribers Edition. True First. One of 125 approx copies, including such luminaries (in the bound in Subscriber's List) as: Miss Mary Anning, De la Beche, D Dunster, Mr Marder (of the Marder Bequest), and Professor F. G.S Buckland. All original in pale brown cloth gilt, gilt very bright. 11 x 17cms, 336 pages. This copy with the bookplate of Sir Cuthbert Peek. [Peek, Sir C, second baronet, 1855 - 1901, amateur astronomer and meteorologist, born at Wimbledon on 30 Jan. 1855, was only child of Sir Henry William Peek, first baronet (created 1874), of Wimbledon House, Wimbledon, Surrey, a partner in the firm of Messrs. Peek Brothers & Co. (now Peek, Winch & Co.), colonial merchants, of East Cheap, and M.P. for East Surrey from 1868 to 1884. In 1884 he established, on his father's estate at Rousdon (local to us in Lyme Regis, see image below right), a meteorological station of the second order, and in the same year he set up there an astronomical observatory to contain the 6.4 inch Merz telescope and a transit instrument with other accessories]. A very good copy with fascinating provenance through Diana Shervington, direct descendent of Jane Austen via her brother. Her family connection to Jane Austen goes back to her two grandmothers, who were sisters. They were the granddaughters of Jane’s brother Edward, who later became Edward Knight, and he inherited Chawton House, where Jane lived nearby with her sister and mother from 1809]. £195.00.

"The Compleat Angler". Walton, Isaac & Charles Cotton. 1759. The Third Edition, Improved with Notes. Bound in two parts. 216 pp + 123 pp but continuously paginated. Part 11 "The Compleat Angler. Being Instructions how to angle for a trout or grayling in a clear stream". Pages A - D only of Index bound in. This copy commences with a ten page "The Editor's Preface", over the printed signature "Moses Browne. Olney, Bucks, August 30,1759", then a further four page "Postscript", signed "M.B". Full page woodcut frontispiece facing page A of Part 1 then eight further full page woodcuts, plus sixteen vignette illustrations (fifteen of fish). Page 174 shows a full page music score for two voices "The Angler's Catch" by Mr. H. Lawes. The provenance here is particularly interesting. The book comes from the library of the Manor House (see above right) in the two day Rousdon Estate Sale of 1999 (originally the seat of the Peek Family, but from 1938 to 1999 Alhallows School), then via the collection of the closest living relative of Jane Austen. For more on this, please see the discovery directly above. The book is cased in its original three-quarter brown leather binding, marbled boards. The hinges are tight and the pages of the text block show a little browning at the top corners. There is an early past down Title Label on the top board (see image). More information and jpg images for any of these listings, on request, and with pleasure. £375.00. SOLD.
October 2017

"Investigations Into the Organization of Ernst Leitz at Wetzlar". Freeman, R.O & J Lawson. (possibly unique association copy). London: H.M.S.O., First Edition. 1945. Fine 24 pp all original. Bound in pale ochre soft cover sheet, stapled. Typescript publication of The Combined Intelligence Objectives Sub-Committee. Report by Freeman & Lawson of a visit to the Wetzlar factory on Thursday June 14th 1945 (the war in Europe ended 8th May 1945) at which the following Leitz personnel were interviewed: Dr Ernst Leitz & Herr Dumur. The publication breaks down the structure, personnel, and company products, as of June 1945. In attendance are two U.S Military personnel: Lt Estler, Lt Noble. Six months prior, January 1945, there were 989 forced laborers, 643 of them "Ostarbeiter", predominantly from Ukraine, and 316 "Westarbeiter" from France and the Benelux. The publication details: CIOS Team no. 251, Target nos.9/14 & 9/31. Item No. 9., File No. XXX111-54, and was clearly for very restricted circulation. Page 22 features a complete Organization Chart of the Optical Works at Wetzlar with details of the twenty-three key personnel. The top cover features a prominent Warning re Patent Infringement. We can find no listing of this publication in any public holding. Superb provenence. Fine Copy. Further information and JPG images a pleasure on request. £175.00. SOLD.
September 2017

"Enquete Internationale Sur Le Vers Libre et Manifeste Du Futurisme". Marinetti, F.T. (F. S. Flint. Fascinating Association copy). Milan: Editions De "Poesia", 1909. 5.me Mille. F. S. Flint's copy. Fragile. 148 pp in Italian + Table of Futurists. Text block split but sound, Front and rear covers detatched with minor edge loss. Paper spine fragile with 10% loss. Magnificent dedication from Author to F S Flint on first free endpaper (see Image), in ink and in a flamboyant hand: “A F.S. Flint. Hommage de sympathie tres vive. F T Marinetti”. ("To F.S Flint. With my very vivid sympathy. F.T Marinetti"). [Frank Stuart Flint, 1885-1960 was an English poet and translator who was a prominent member of the Imagist group. Ford Madox Ford called him "One of the greatest men and one of the beautiful spirits of the country". In 1909 he would have been just 24, the same year that he published "In the Net of the Stars". The Manifesto of the Futurist movement. in Italian: "Manifesto del Futurismo", written by the Italian poet Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, initiated an artistic philosophy, Futurism, that was a rejection of the past, and a celebration of speed, machinery, violence, youth and industry; it also advocated the modernization and cultural rejuvenation of Italy. Marinetti wrote the manifesto in the autumn of 1908 and it first appeared as a preface to a volume of his poems, published in Milan in January 1909. It was published in the Italian newspaper Gazzetta dell'Emilia in Bologna on 5 February 1909, then in French, as we have here, as Manifeste du Futurisme (Manifesto of Futurism) where it first appeared in the newspaper Le Figaro on 20 February 1909]. £245.00. Filippo Tommaso Marinetti. F. S. Flint.
August 2017

"The Dialect of the English Gypsies". (An Important association copy). 1875. Smart, B. C., And H T Crofton. "Second Edition Revised and Greatly Enlarged". 312 pp all original HB in three-quarter green leather. Boards plain green cloth. Five raised bands. Oct: 15 x 22 cms. Spine label in brown/red leather gilt. This copy of particular interest for three reasons: 1. The volume contains a very large number of hardwritten annotations, in the form of explanations and additional words from the Gypsy language. These are in two different hands; 1a) In black ink, and in many places clipped off the edge of the sheet by the binder, i.e., added by the annotator at the "proof" or "galley stage" prior to trimming and binding. Most likely the Author's copy. 1b) the later set of annotations are all within the page, and in pencil. In the section of the book devoted to the Gypsy-English Vocabulary (pp 50 to 156), there are 110 annotaions involving new words or explanation of words. 3. The Title Page is stamped "Beckford House. 20 Lansdown Crescent. Bath" (see above, centre). This is a very interesting and important association relating to the famous English eccentric William Beckford (1760-1844. q.v) and his purchase of property in Bath. We refer readers here to the relevant Wikepedia article [Beckford entered parliament in 1784 as member for Wells and later for Hindon, quitting by taking the Chiltern Hundreds; but he lived mostly in seclusion, spending much of his father's wealth without adding to it. In 1822 he moved to Bath, where he bought No. 20 Lansdown Crescent (this copy offered here is from the Library of this house and is dated 1875, thirty-one years after his death) and No. 1 Lansdown Place West, joining them with a one-storey arch thrown across a driveway. In 1836 he also bought Nos. 18 and 19 Lansdown Crescent, leaving No 18 empty to ensure peace and quiet].The Title Page and two leaves are shown above. £295.00.
April 2017

"Recuerdos de un Viaje a Europa". Jose Maria Munoz. Published in 1901, 125 pages in Spanish, bound in full green mottled leather gilt, gilt very bright. Spine a little worn, o/w a very good copy. Scarce and undocumented, so, most probably privately published. We have been unable to find any public listing. The book is a narrative of a boat trip, Valparaiso to Paris, to visit "La Gran Exposicion Iniversal" of 1900. Sailed by a Captain A. McWatt. On page 8 we find one of the passengers on the ship "Iberia" is a Kenneth Mathieson, then boss of the Williamson Balfour Company, and Vice President of Chile (!) An ownership inscription reads "Janis C. Mathieson". Other guests named as on board were: Alfred T Syers Jones, Dr. Enriqie Miller, Rafael Ariztia Lyon, and Maria Teresa Ariztia Brown. [Rafael Ariztía Lyon, Valparaíso 1862 - 1929. "fue un político, empresario chileno. Fue regidor, diputado y senador de la república"]. The Williamson-Balfour Company (or Williamson Balfour Co) was a Scottish owned Chilean company. Its successor company, Williamson Balfour Motors S.A., is a subsidiary of the British company Inchcape plc. [N.B. The Kenneth Mathieson records are currently with the University College London Special Collections]. Our Book Inventory Number # 004102. SOLD.
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